Holly Croydon

The Plastic Madonna

(A Story)

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The Plastic Madonna

When I was twelve, my Aunt Jeanne Hardy gave me an "empty book" for my birthday--you know, one of those books of blank pages.  She had lovingly filled it with cartoons, poems, surveys, and all manner of bits of wisdom and humor from her wonderfully artistic and witty sensibility.  To this day, it is one of my favorite possessions. 

My family has kept up the tradition of giving a hand-made book to our young women as they reach ten or twelve years of age.  The older women in the clan contribute their collective wisdom (and silliness) to the cause.  This year, it was Lia Hardy's turn.  Lia is the daughter of my cousin Steve and his wife, Fon, and is Jeanne's granddaughter.

I wrote a story about about The Plastic Madonna for Lia's book, which you can download as a PDF file by clicking here.  This copy doesn't have all the hand drawing that I put on the original that was pasted into the book, but I hope you'll get the idea. 

This is a true story.  It is dedicated to the memory of Jeanne Hardy, my beloved auntie, who passed away November 9, 2002.  Blessed be, dear Auntie J.


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